Screen time

What is screen time?

“Screen time” is any time spent using a device that has a screen, such as a smartphone, tablet, computer, television, or video game.

We can learn many good things from technology, but too much screen time can keep individuals away from healthier activities such as being physically active or socializing with friends and family.

How much screen time is too much?

The Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology developed 24-hour movement guidelines for all ages. The guidelines provide recommendations on physical activity, sleep, and sedentary behaviours including the use of screens. The guidelines suggest:

Do your best and make goals that work for you and your family to help meet the recommendations. The less time spent in front of screens, the greater the benefit.

How do I to establish healthy screen time habits at home?

It’s important to set screen time limits and healthy habits early in a child’s life, as it’s much easier than setting them later when they have established patterns and routines. Make sure that everyone in your family understands and agrees on acceptable screen use and content. Here are some strategies:

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Set “screen-free” times and zones

Keep mealtimes and playtime screen-free. Use these times to connect with each other, to relax, find out how everyone’s day has been, and to enjoy the moment. Choose some special times each day to be “family time,” when no one is distracted by screens. Use positive messaging. Say something like, “Let’s turn off the T.V. so we can…” rather than “No TV during family time!” Establish some areas of the home as screen-free zones. These may include places like the dining area or table, reading nooks, and bedrooms.

Turn off the TV and other devices when not in use

If you aren’t actively engaged, turn it off. Background media can distract from parent-child interaction and child play. These are very important for your child’s language and social-emotional development. Background noise and stimulation can have negative effects on attention and self-regulation. These limit our ability to fully engage in the activity at hand.

Avoid screen use 1 hour before bedtime and remove screens from bedrooms before sleep

Using screens before sleep can affect your child’s ability to get to sleep and stay asleep. Bedtime gives you a chance to spend some quality time with your child. Turn screens off and develop a relaxing bedtime routine. Ideas include bath time, listening to calming music, reading, meditating, or chatting about the day.

Choose wisely

Look for high-quality programs, games, and apps that are appropriate for the age and development of your child. Sites such as and can help you to find age-appropriate movies, apps, shows, video games, and websites.

Get involved

Watch, play, and listen with your child or teen whenever possible. Preview television shows, apps, and video games before your child plays or watches them. When helping to choose content, pay attention to messages about gender, body image, violence, diversity, and social issues. Take the time to discuss content that concerns you and explain why certain programs are not appropriate. This is a chance to share your own beliefs and values. Find out what shows, apps, or games your child enjoys and why and encourage them to talk about the media they use.

Make the connection between the screen and the real world

For younger children, make screen time interactive, talk about the content, and connect it back to their real world. Throughout a program, check in with them to confirm that they understand what they’re watching. Take breaks to explain things they may not understand and make predictions about what may happen next. Find ways to connect what they’re watching to their real life. For example, if your child sees drumming on TV, place a real drum in their hands so they can mimic what they see. Or help them apply what they are learning from games, apps, and TV shows—like letters, numbers and colours—to everyday activities. Name the letters on the signs you pass, count the apples at the grocery store, or point out the colours of the clothes as you fold laundry together.

For older children and teens, help make connections to content and their own experiences and talk about what you see in media. For example, ask questions such as:

Keep a balance

Encourage a balance between screen time and other activities like outdoor play, sports, and hobbies. Think about some fun activities that do not involve a screen. Going for a walk, joining a sports team, drawing, painting, or playing a board game are just a few examples of screen-free activities. Visit (ParticipAction) for more activity ideas.

Be a role model

How much time do you spend using screens? Children and youth are always watching us, and they learn from our behaviours. Be aware of your own screen use and what you are modelling to them. You can help your children develop healthy screen habits by limiting your own screen use.

This item was last modified on January 28, 2025