Personal services (salons, tattoos, piercings, etc.) requirements and permits

Personal services are done on your body and include anything from hair cutting to tattooing and everything in between.

Personal services include, but are not limited to:

Proper infection control is important

It is important for owners and operators to follow proper infection control practices at all times to reduce the risk of blood-borne infections such as hepatitis Bhepatitis C, and HIV,  bacterial and fungal infections.

Remember, you do not have to see blood or body fluids on equipment or surfaces for infections to spread. Owners and operators who are knowledgeable and have good infection prevention and control practices ensure a safe environment for members of the public.

Please visit our events planning page for details on reducing the spread of infection.

Our role

Public health inspectors inspect personal services settings on a regular basis. Our inspections are directed by the Infection Prevention and Control Protocol, 2019 and the Personal Service Settings Regulation. The regulation sets out minimum standards for operators in the areas of prohibited services, personal hygiene, cleaning, disinfection and sterilization of equipment, record keeping, and setting requirements to protect the public.

Public health inspectors will also offer free consultation services to assist you in meeting the applicable legislation.

Consult with your local municipality (Association of Municipalities of Ontario) to determine if your proposed location meets proper zoning and building requirements. Some municipalities and food premises may require a business license in order to operate a commercial business.

If you are attending a special event, fair, trade show, or expo you must fill out a Special Event Personal Services Permit prior to the event so a public health inspector can review the requirements with you.

How do I apply for a permit?

Personal Services Application Package

Special events for personal services can include fairs, expos, and conventions.  It is the responsibility of the vendor to meet the requirements of Ontario Regulation 136/18: Personal Service Settings. Vendors must submit a completed Special Event Personal Services Permit at least 20 days prior to the event.

Personal Service Vendors must:

Once the completed application is received, a public health inspector will review the package with the personal service vendor. If approved, a permit will be issued within 10 days from the date the application was approved.

Check Before You Go! Inspection and enforcement information

For inspection and enforcement information, visit Check Before You Go! or contact us at 705.522.9200 ext. 464 (toll-free 1.866.522.9200). Check Before You Go! has information about required and follow-up inspections, infractions, convictions, as well as orders imposed by Public Health Sudbury & Districts.

You can find information related to:

This item was last modified on September 11, 2024