Schools & Daycares

We offer a variety of programs, services and information for school and daycare communities.

School and daycare staff, parents and community partners can access specialized services related to environmental health, family health, immunization, oral health, sexual health, tobacco enforcement, workplace wellness, and school health promotion.


In an effort to promote the health and well-being of children, the An Ounce of Prevention Manual is an excellent resource to help prevent and control the spread of illness in schools and child care centres.

We offer the following programs and services to ensure healthy school and daycare communities.

Note: PDF’s are available in an accessible format upon request.

Environmental Health

Inspections — Licensed child care settings receive routine inspections to monitor food safety, infection control, and health and safety. Inspection results for routine inspections are publicly disclosed and can be viewed online at Check Before You Go!

Presentations can be offered (for all grades) on handwashing, infection control, rabies and dog bite prevention, safe food handling, tobacco control, and West Nile virus. To book a presentation, you call 705.522.9200, ext. 464 (toll-free 1.866.522.9200).

Family Health

Triple P is for every parent, whether you have a specific problem or are just looking for advice on common, everyday issues. It provides easy to use tips and new ideas that will help you build confidence and new skills. From seminars and phone support, to one-on-one consultations and parenting groups, Triple P has a format to support every parent.

Oral Health

Oral health means more than healthy teeth and the absence of disease. It involves the ability of individuals to carry out essential functions such as eating and speaking as well as to contribute fully to society.

Oral Health and you

We offer programs and services to children under the age of 18. These services include:

The Canadian Dental Association and Public Health Sudbury & Districts both recommend that infants have their first oral check up by one year of age. Your baby’s first dental visit gives them the best start to good oral health. As your child grows, we encourage you to use the oral health screening tool for infants and toddlers to help you monitor your child’s dental development.

School Health Promotion

We all want youth to have the resources to thrive in life — to be healthy and succeed in school. How do we do this? We work with school partners to create environments that help youth grow up to be empowered, supported, connected and resilient (the building blocks of healthy development).

Elementary and secondary curriculum resources and consultations are available to Educators for assistance with the implementation of the Health and Physical Education curriculum.

Healthy campus information is provided to post-secondary schools looking to build a healthy campus community.

School-based immunizations clinics

Every year, students in Grades 7 and 8 have the opportunity to be immunized against hepatitis B, meningococcal disease and human papillomavirus (HPV) free of charge. Eligible students that miss getting the vaccine at their school can get it at one of Public Health Sudbury & Districts offices.

Vaccinations required for school attendance: Keep your child’s record up-to-date

We collect, review and maintain immunization records for all children in schools and licensed child care centres in our communities as outlined in both the Immunization of Schools Pupils Act, 1990, and the  Child Care Early Years Act, 2014.

Parents and guardians are responsible to report all required vaccinations to us. Doctors do not report this information to Public Health Sudbury & Districts.

You have several options to report your child’s vaccinations.

Sexual Health

Sexual Health Clinics are offered daily in the Elm Place with extended drop-in hours on Wednesday afternoons. Additional Sexual Health Clinics are also provided at our district offices.

Tobacco enforcement

Under the Smoke-Free Ontario Act it is illegal to smoke on school or daycare properties. For more information on tobacco laws and enforcement please see our page Tobacco Legislation – Smoke-Free Ontario Act.

Vision health

Regular eye exams are important to detect and correct vision problems early. Public health offers vision screening in schools to children in Senior Kindergarten. The goal of the vision screening program is for school-aged children to achieve optimal visual health.

Information for schools and daycares

Parents, students, teachers, and community members can access this A-Z list for information on the most popular school and daycare health topics and concerns.

Teachers, be sure to visit our page for educators for curriculum resources that can be used in your classroom.

For additional information, contact the School Health Promotion Team.

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This item was last modified on December 20, 2024