Growth and development

A baby’s language

When a baby cries or sucks on their hands, they are trying to communicate. A baby’s cues are their own special language and way of interacting with the world around them. Learning your baby’s cues will help make caring for them easier. It takes time to learn this language! To learn more about your baby’s cues, watch this listening to your baby video from Best Start.

Playing with and talking to your baby

From the time they are born, babies start communicating. They learn to understand what you are saying and in turn try to make sounds of their own. Caring for Kids has a great resource to help your baby develop speech and language skills. You can help build your baby’s brain, and develop important language and communication skills by talking and playing with them. Take daily moments, like a diaper change, or even bath time, to talk, sing, and play. For more examples of play activities watch this short video from Best Start on everyday play.

Brain development

Parents can help build their baby’s brain through day-to-day experiences. Fun activities like being read to, playing peek a boo and back and forth interactions between you and your baby help build your baby’s brain.  This back and forth interaction is called “serve and return”. To learn more, watch this video 5 Steps for Brain-Building Serve and Return    from the Centre on Developing Child at Harvard University.

Tummy time

Tummy time is helpful for the physical growth of your baby. This activity will make the muscles in your baby’s shoulders and neck stronger helping them to eventually learn to hold their head up on their own.  This is the first step for your baby to develop the skills and coordination needed to start crawling, and eventually pulling themselves up to stand. Tummy time also prevents your baby from developing baby flathead.

Baby flathead

At birth, babies are born with a skull that is both soft and moveable.  When a baby lies on a flat surface or in a certain position for an extended period of time, they are at risk of the skull flattening.  This is commonly known as “baby flathead.”  To learn more about baby flathead and how to prevent it, check out our Preventing baby flathead pamphlet.

This item was last modified on January 21, 2025