
Family members, the public and outside agencies can report suspected hoarding to Public Health Sudbury & Districts.

Contact Public Health if you have questions or concerns about health hazards related to housing.

Public health inspectors investigate potential hoarding situations reported by concerned family members, the public, and outside agencies.

What is hoarding?

According to the International OCD Foundation (IOCDF), hoarding can be described as the extreme collection of items such as newspapers, books, and food that clutter a person’s living space, preventing that person from using the room as intended. This compulsive collection of items also causes the person distress and can affect their daily activities.

What are the effects of hoarding?

There are many health and safety risks associated with hoarding or accumulation of a large amount of clutter. For example, a large collection of flammable materials can be a fire risk not only for the person with hoarding behaviours, but also for neighbours.

For more information see the International Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Foundation’s fact sheet on hoarding.

How can Public Health help with hoarding cases?

Public health inspectors are involved in investigating housing complaints, including the living conditions of vulnerable people, hoarders, and people with severe self neglect. Inspectors assess whether health hazards exist and work with other support agencies as appropriate.

If you would like more information, would like to speak to a public health inspector, or make a complaint, you can submit your question or complaint electronically or contact us directly.

This item was last modified on October 16, 2024