Falls Prevention

We are living longer and the number of older adults in our communities is growing. As we age, our minds and bodies change. Falling is not a natural consequence of aging but is the result of several age-related factors such as loss of muscle strength and balance.

The Stay on Your Feet strategy helps support healthy active aging. In Northeastern Ontario, Ontario Health, the five public health units, and many other community partners work together to plan and implement this strategy. Stay on Your Feet promotes ways to stay strong, stay active, stay social, and live our best life as we age. Our collective goal is to prevent falls among older adults (65+).

We all play an important role in fall prevention and supporting healthy aging.

Learn about healthy aging and living life to the fullest at stayonyourfeet.ca.

Be prepared by learning about what to do if you fall (Health Canada).

Visit the Let’s be social! webpage to learn more about money available for older adult clubs and groups to promote social activities.

This item was last modified on December 16, 2024