COVID-safe practices in Sudbury and districts: September snapshot

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COVID-19 safe behaviours: September summary of results

Public Health Sudbury & Districts conducted an online bilingual community survey to understand which precautions residents of Sudbury & Districts have taken to protect themselves and others from COVID-19. The survey was open and advertised on social media from September 23 to October 1, 2020. In some sections, comparisons are made with previous survey results collected between June 19 and June 24, 2020. These results are used by Public Health to inform planning and service coordination.


Note: The sample collected in September was more than double what was collected in June (n=580 vs n=252) and reflected similar sociodemographic characteristics.

Precautions taken to protect self and others from COVID-19

The primary precautions taken by respondents to protect themselves and others from COVID-19 in September included wearing a mask (89%), washing hands more regularly (89%), and avoiding large crowds (88%).

Staying at home if suspected ill was one of the lowest reported precautions in June and September (30% and 36%). This may be the result of fewer respondents feeling ill and not a measure of precaution compliance.

Between June and September, a decline was observed in precautions such as stocking-up on essential supplies (44% vs 31%) and limitations of leaving the house for non-essential reasons (82% vs 68%).

Between June and September, an increase in mask use was observed. These mask-related precaution included wearing a mask when outside of your home and a two (2) metres distance cannot be maintained

(64% vs 89%), including while at work, (22% vs 50%) and encouraging others to wear a mask (53% vs 63%).

% (n)
September % (n)
Washed your hands more regularly 93 (233)89 (518)
Worn a mask when outside of your home and a two (2) metres distance cannot be maintained64 (160)89 (518)
Avoided large crowds 94 (235)88 (511)
Stayed two (2) metres apart from others who are not in the same household or social circle 190 (226)84 (490)
Avoided travelling outside of your community for non-essential reasons 84 (211)77 (446)
Limited social gatherings to no more than 10 people 77 (193)74 (431)
Limited non-essential in-person gatherings of any size with those outside the household82 (204)74 (428)
Tried to reduce touching your face 80 (200)73 (423)
Limited leaving the house for non-essential reasons 82 (205)68 (397)
Shopped alone rather than with family or friends 76 (190)67 (387)
Encouraged others to wear a mask 53 (132)63 (363)
Ensured child(ren) stayed two (2) metres apart from others who are not in the same household or social circle136 (89)55 (156) 2
At work, worn a mask when two (2) metres from others cannot be kept and/or when required by your employer22 (55)50 (287)
Stayed home if you suspected you are ill 30 (74)36 (207)
Stocked up on essential supplies44 (109)31 (180)

There are variations observed between groups in following COVID-19 safe precautions. The following are highlighted from the September survey results:

There are variations observed between groups in following COVID-19 safe precautions. The following are highlighted from the September survey results: • 63% of individuals 25 and older report practicing most precautions as compared to 38% of individuals 16 to 24 years of age. • 65% of urban residence from the City of Greater Sudbury report practicing most precautions as compared to 46% of rural residence from Manitoulin, Sudbury East, Espanola and Chapleau. • 65% of women report practicing most precautions as compared to 50% of men .

Following precautions to protect self and others from COVID-19

Most respondents in the September survey reported doing everything they can to protect themselves and others from the spread of COVID-19. It should be noted that while 60% of respondents reported they are doing everything to protect themselves and others from the spread of COVID-19, only 21% reported practicing all the precautions recommended.

% (n)
September % (n)
I am doing everything I can to protect myself and others from the spread of COVID-19 51 (127) 60 (337)
I am following most of the precautions 43 (106) 34 (190)
I am working on trying to follow the precautions 4 (9) 4 (24)
I am trying to follow 1 or 2 of the precautions 2 (5) 2 (9)
I am not following any of the precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19 0 (0) 1 (6)

Perception of precautions taken by others to protect from COVID-19

Compared to June, an increase was observed in the proportion of respondents who perceived that most people are following most of the precautions to protect themselves and others from the spread of COVID-19 (28% vs 46%).

% (n)
September % (n)
Most people are doing everything they can to protect themselves and others from the spread of COVID-19 6 (14) 6 (36)
Most people are following most of the precautions 28 (70) 46 (263)
Most people are following a few of the precautions 25 (61) 27 (154)
Most people are following 1 or 2 of the precautions 19 (47) 11 (64)
Most people are not following any of the precautions to prevent the spread of Covid-19 19 (47) 4 (24)
I am not sure 3 (8)5 (30)

Note: Interpret with caution: non-representative and non-random sample.

  1. As of October 3, 2020, the Government of Ontario is pausing social circles and advising that all Ontarians allow close contact only with people living in their own household and maintain two metres physical distancing from everyone else.
  2. This figure is calculated using households where children are present.
  3. Results by the following gender categories: ‘Intersex’, ‘Non-binary’ and ‘Transman/woman’ cannot be reported due to cell sizes of ≤5 respondents.

This item was last modified on November 9, 2020