Supervised Consumption and Treatment Services

Supervised consumption and treatment services, or a supervised consumption site (SCS), is a space where people can use drugs under the supervision of trained staff in a sterile, safe, and non-judgemental environment. Individuals can also receive medical care and referrals to other health and social services. People are also provided with take home safer drug use equipment.

Given the rise in opioid-related overdoses, supervised consumption sites and supervised consumption and treatment services (SCTS) have been shown to reduce overdoses, infections, and deaths related to drug use. In other communities, these services have been beneficial in referring clients to essential services like housing and mental health care.

Greater Sudbury’s Supervised Consumption Site

Réseau ACCESS Network opened Greater Sudbury’s supervised consumption site, also known as Minoogawbi, La Place, The Spot on September 28, 2022. The site closed its doors on March 29, 2024 due to lack of funding.

To find out more about the history of The Spot, please visit Réseau ACCESS Network ’s website. Read on to learn about the steps completed in the exploration and establishment of the supervised consumption site in Greater Sudbury.

Pathway to opening the supervised consumption site

In May of 2021, Health Canada granted a federal exemption under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act to operate a supervised consumption site at the Réseau ACCESS Network – 24 Energy Court site in Greater Sudbury. The location, close to Sudbury’s downtown core, was chosen due to its central location and proximity to other social and harm reduction services offered in the community. The federal exemption was the final element required to complete the provincial application for a funded supervised consumption and treatment service.

To date, the Community Drug Strategy has accomplished the following necessary steps to implement a supervised consumption site:

Steps in the exploration of supervised consumption services

Supervised consumption services: questions and answers


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This item was last modified on July 8, 2024