Older adults and alcohol

Older adults may be more impacted by alcohol than younger people. As you age your body processes alcohol more slowly and you may become more sensitive to the effects of alcohol. Increased sensitivity to alcohol means that you are also at a greater risk of experiencing negative impacts of alcohol:1,2

  1. Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. (n.d.). Alcohol use in older adults. https://www.camh.ca/en/health-info/guides-and-publications/alcohol-use-in-older-adults
  2. Canadian Coalition for Seniors’ Mental Health (CCSMH). (2023). Alcohol & aging: Rethink how you drink. https://ccsmh.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/WEB-CCSMH-Alcohol-Use-Brochure-Eng.pdf

This item was last modified on September 19, 2024