Alcohol: Parents and caregivers of youth

Alcohol: the important role of adult influencers

As a parent or caregiver, you can impact your child’s decisions and attitudes about alcohol. Though it may not always seem like it, young people pay attention to what their parents and caregivers do. This observation starts early in a child’s life and influences their values and behaviours as they get older, including how they interact with alcohol and other drugs. This not only means modelling responsible and healthy behaviours yourself, but also taking the time to learn about your child’s thoughts and speaking to them about substance use.1,2

Do you want to help youth make healthy choices about their alcohol use?

It comes down to relationships – having a positive, supportive relationship with your child will help them to make healthier choices when coping with life’s struggles.  One of the most important building blocks in a young person’s life is having a healthy, meaningful relationship with an adult. In turn, youth are more inclined to respect limits and to show healthy decision making when they are surrounded by adults who are supportive and understanding, yet who exercise firm boundaries and encourage them to develop and use their strengths.2

What can you do?1,2,3

Never provide alcohol to a person who is underage.

Despite what you may have heard from other parents, research consistently shows that children who are given alcohol under parental supervision or on special occasions – even sips and tastes – are more likely to2:

Want to learn more?

  1. Drug Free Kids Canada. (2019). Youth and alcohol.
  2. (2024, January 17). For parents.
  3. AlcoholThinkAgain. (2023, December 6). Talking about alcohol.

This item was last modified on September 19, 2024