Talk to your child early about alcohol
Early alcohol use is linked to:
- problems with school work,
- difficulties focusing on tasks,
- problems with alcohol later in life,
- depression and anxiety, and
- poor decision making
Tips to help delay your child’s use of alcohol:
- Take the time to talk often.
- Set clear and consistent messages.
- spend time together as a family.
- Be a positive role model.
- Be in the know. Know their friends, the facts, and that your voice counts.
Did you know?
- The brain continues to develop into the mid 20’s. Delay alcohol use as long as possible as it can harm brain development.
- On average, students report having their first drink at the age of 14.
- Alcohol is the number one drug used by Ontario students, in grades 7 to 12.
You are the most important influence in your child’s life.
Content adapted from a resource produced by the City of Hamilton Public Health Services. Reprinted with the permission of KFL&A Public Health.
References: Boak, A., Hamilton, H.A., Adlaf, E.M., and Mann, R.E. (2013). Drug use among Ontario students, 1977, 2013: Detailed OSDUHS findings (CAMH Research Document Series No. 36). Toronto, ON: Centre for Addiction and Mental Health.
This item was last modified on June 14, 2017