Drug warning: March 7, 2025
Issued: Friday, March 7, 2025You can sign up to receive drug alerts and warnings issued in our community by the Community Drug Strategy.
Public Health Sudbury & Districts is warning of a rise in drug poisonings (overdoses) and unexpected reactions to substances in the Sudbury and Manitoulin districts.
The cause of the increase is unknown. This serves as an important reminder that street drugs may be cut or mixed with substances such as benzos (benzodiazepines), xylazine, medetomidine, fentanyl, or carfentanil. Be cautious if using drugs and please share this information widely to help save lives.
Key information
- Frontline workers are reporting that multiple doses of naloxone have been required to reverse poisonings.
- Long periods of heavy sedation and unconsciousness have also been reported.
- With longer periods of sedation, there is an increased risk of opioid withdrawals.
How to prevent poisonings
A poisoning occurs when a person uses a substance, and their body cannot handle its effects. A person can pass out, stop breathing, or experience a seizure. Poisonings can be fatal or non-fatal.
- Carry a naloxone kit. It can help reverse an opioid poisoning. Know how to use it (PDF).
- Pick up a free naloxone kit at The Point, Réseau ACCESS Network, or ask your local hospital or pharmacy. Visit ontario.ca/page/get-naloxone-kits-free.
- Avoid mixing substances. This includes alcohol, prescription, over the counter, and street drugs.
- Start with a lower dose and go slow.
- Avoid using drugs when you are alone.
- Have a trusted person nearby or use a virtual safe consumption service like the National Overdose Response Service at 1.888.688.6677 or the Brave App. These services provide 24/7 confidential and nonjudgmental support, whenever and wherever you use drugs.
How to respond to poisonings
- Call 911. Stay with the person. Monitor their breathing until help arrives.
- GIVE NALOXONE. It won’t cause harm if opioids aren’t involved. The person may not wake up right away due to sedation. More doses may be needed.
- If the person is unconscious, place them in the recovery position.
How to recognize poisonings
Different substances affect the body in different ways. Depending on the type of substance consumed, symptoms of a poisoning may look different.
Opioid poisoning symptoms:
- bluish, purple, or greyish skin, lips, or nails (depending on skin tone)
- dizziness, confusion, or inability to stay awake
- choking, gurgling, or snoring sounds
- slow, weak, or no breathing
Benzodiazepines (benzos) toxicity poisoning symptoms
A poisoning due to benzodiazepines (benzos) toxicity may last for hours and look like:
- extreme sleepiness or passing out
- poor balance or movement control
- slurred speech
- blackouts and memory loss
Share this warning to help raise awareness and reduce the risk of drug poisonings.
This item was last modified on March 7, 2025