Drug warning: Increase in suspected opioid overdoses

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The Community Drug Strategy (CDS) for the City of Greater Sudbury has received reports of a higher number of suspected opioid overdoses in the past 48 hours and a more potent drug supply circulating within Greater Sudbury.

While we cannot confirm the substance that has caused the overdoses, this situation serves as an important reminder to the community that street drugs may be cut or mixed with substances such as benzos, fentanyl, or carfentanil, and that even a very small amount of these substances can cause an overdose.

An overdose occurs when a person uses more of a substance, or combination of substances, than their body can handle. As a consequence, the brain is unable to control basic life functions. The person might pass out, stop breathing or experience a seizure. Overdoses can be fatal.

Prevent opioid overdose / save lives:

Overdose symptoms include:

Benzodiazepines (Benzos) toxicity/overdose may last for hours and look like:

Benzodiazepines (Benzos) can be powerful sedatives also known as etizolam, Valium, Xanax, Ativan, clonazepam, Xylazine. Benzo toxicity on top of an opioid overdose might make a person unconscious for a long time. Benzos and opioids when taken together increase the risk of overdose and death.

How to respond to opioid overdose and benzo toxicity:

Please distribute this information widely to help share the message.

This item was last modified on October 8, 2021