Support for Trans Fat Task Force Recommendations: Transforming the Food Supply, June 2006 (Motion #55-06)

Moved by Dennis, Noland. approved on October 19, 2006, by the Sudbury & District Board of Health.


WHEREAS the consumption of trans fat in Canadians is estimated to be 10% of total fat intake, while the recommended limit is 2% of total fat intake; and

WHEREAS a growing body of research demonstrates the impacts of trans fat on coronary heart disease; and

WHEREAS the leading cause of death in Northern Ontario is heart disease; and

WHEREAS Boards of Health are mandated to reduce the premature mortality and morbidity from preventable chronic diseases; and

WHEREAS the Trans Fat Task Force provided recommendations to the federal Minister of Health on how to reduce trans fat intake in Canadian’s diet; and

WHEREAS these recommendations include comprehensive proposed regulatory limits, research, development and industry incentives, consumer protection, awareness and public education;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Sudbury & District Board of Health urge the federal Minister of Health to go beyond the current mandatory labelling of trans fat on prepackaged foods and act on the recommendations from the Trans Fat Task Force report: TRANSforming the Food Supply, June 2006; and

FURTHER THAT copies of this motion be forwarded to the federal Ministers of Health, Agriculture and Agri-Food, the Chief Public Health Officer of the Public Health Agency of Canada, Members of Parliament for Sudbury and districts, Members of Provincial Parliament for Sudbury and districts, the Premier of Ontario, the provincial Ministers of Health and Long-Term Care, Health Promotion and Agriculture, Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health, as well as the Ontario Public Health Association (OPHA, Association of Local Public Health Agencies (alPHa) and constituent municipalities for distribution to all Ontario Boards of Health.

This item was last modified on January 13, 2025