Legislation for ATV Use Among Children and Youth (Motion #08-05)

Moved by Berthiaume, Pilon. Approved on January 27, 2005, by the Sudbury & District Board of Health.


WHEREAS the Sudbury & District Health Unit is mandated to reduce the rate of injuries caused by motorized vehicle crashes including, boats, snowmobiles and all-terrain vehicles; and

WHEREAS on June 7, 2004 the Canadian Paediatric Society, after examining the data on escalating injury while operating an ATV, released a new position statement “Preventing All-Terrain Vehicle Injury”, calling on all provinces and territories to harmonize off-road vehicle legislation including legislating a minimum operator age of 16 years, restriction of passengers to the number for which the vehicle was designed; compulsory helmet use with no exemptions, mandatory training, licensing and registration and ban of the use of three-wheeled vehicles; an

WHEREAS this position statement states that ATV use by children and young adolescents is particularly dangerous because they lack the physical size and strength, knowledge, and cognitive and motor skills to operate the vehicles safely;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Sudbury & District Board of Health support the Canadian Paediatric Society’s position statement and recommendations regarding ATV use by children and young adults; and

FURTHER THAT the Sudbury & District Board of Health shall advocate to the Premier of Ontario, to request that the government implement the Canadian Paediatric Society’s recommendations so that the number and severity of injuries can be reduced by restricting ridership among young operators.

This item was last modified on June 12, 2015