Support for Bill C-322 National Framework for a School Food Program Act (Motion #36-24)

Board of Health for Public Health Sudbury & Districts, May 16, 2024

Motion moved by PARENT – CARRIER

36-24 Support for Bill C-322 National Framework for a School Food Program Act


WHEREAS the current Ontario student nutrition program only reaches 40% of students and 71% of publicly funded Kindergarten to Grade12 schools due to insufficient funding, rising food costs, inadequate infrastructure and human resources, and an increase in student need for proper nourishment1 ; and

WHEREAS  the Board of Health for Public Health Sudbury & Districts passed motion 02-20 supporting a universal fully funded healthy school food program, and motion 61-23 supporting a funded national school food program in the 2024 Federal Budget; and

WHEREAS although the Government of Canada recently announced an investment of $1 billion over 5 years for the national school food program in the 2024 Budget to help enhance and broaden existing programs throughout Canada, more support is required to ensure a universal fully-funded school food program for all students; and

WHEREAS Private Member’s Bill C-322 calls for a national framework to establish a school food program that is universal, sustainable and effective, where no child is left out or stigmatized in the program due to their families’ ability to pay, fundraise, and volunteer with the program; and

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of Health for Public Health Sudbury & District commend the Government of Canada for prioritizing healthy school food in Budget 2024 and for working in partnership with provinces, territories and Indigenous communities throughout Canada; and

FURTHER THAT the Board of Health urges local Members of Parliament and other key partners to endorse Bill C-322, National Framework for a School Food Program Act and continue to uphold the commitment to the health and wellbeing of children and youth in Canada.


1 Ruetz, A. T., & McKenna, M. L. (2021). Characteristics of Canadian school food programs funded by provinces and territories. Canadian Food Studies, 8(3), 70-106.

This item was last modified on May 23, 2024