Artificial Tanning (Motion #63-05)

Moved by Noland, Duhamel. Approved on September 22, 2005, by the Sudbury & District Board of Health.


WHEREAS there has been increasing emphasis on the use of artificial tanning equipment in many western countries, the use of which exposes the skin to ultraviolet radiation which is known to be a human carcinogen; and

WHEREAS the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that artificial tanning equipment  not be used for cosmetic purposes and that therapeutic use of artificial tanning equipment only be used under medical supervision, and that no person under the age of 18 use artificial tanning equipment; and

WHEREAS  key priorities for the Canadian Cancer Society and Cancer Care Ontario are the reduction of ultraviolet exposure in young adults (under 35 years old) and specifically targeting a 75% reduction in the number of young adults using tanning equipment by 2020; and

WHEREAS the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care mandatory Health Programs and Services Guidelines (MHPSG) require boards of health to educate and to promote policies, which reduce the risk of skin cancers by increasing  the proportion of the population of all ages who limit sun exposure, use protective clothing and sunscreens when exposed to sunlight and avoid artificial sources of ultraviolet light (e.g. tanning beds, sun lamps/lights) but does not require enforcement to ensure that the artificial tanning industry is meeting regulatory requirements,

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Sudbury & District Board of Health ask that the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care support the development of provincial legislation that upholds WHO recommendations for artificial tanning and requires regulation of the artificial tanning industry.

This item was last modified on June 12, 2015