Bill 131, Youth Smoking Prevention Act, 2013 (Motion #23-14)

Moved by Dutrisac, Berthiaume. Approved on April 17, 2014, Sudbury & District Board of Health.


WHEREAS each year, tobacco claims 13,000 lives in Ontario, the equivalent of 36 lives every day; and

WHEREAS the Sudbury & District Board of Health is accountable for the reduction in youth access to tobacco products and priority populations adopting tobacco free living (Ontario Public Health Standards, 2008); and

WHEREAS Bill 131, Youth Smoking Prevention Act, 2013, will strengthen the Smoke-Free Ontario Act by making it more difficult for youth to obtain tobacco products, making tobacco products less tempting, and further limiting exposure to second-hand smoke in public places;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Sudbury & District Board of Health join efforts with other public health agencies and provincial organizations in support of Bill 131, Youth Smoking Prevention Act, 2013, and urge passage into law;

FURTHER THAT this motion be forwarded to the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care, local MPPs, Assistant Deputy Minister, Health Promotion Division, Chief Medical Officer of Health, local municipalities, Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities, Association of Local Public Health Agencies (alPHa)and Ontario Boards of Health.

This item was last modified on December 11, 2023