Regulation on the Manufacture, Sale, Promotion, Display and Use of E-cigarettes and Prohibiting the Use of E-cigarettes on School Property (Motion #57-14)

Approved on October 16, 2014, Sudbury & District Board of Health. 


WHEREAS electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) mimic the appearance, use, and sometimes the taste of a cigarette and some use cartridges which contain nicotine, an addictive substance; and

WHEREAS e-cigarettes that contain nicotine or make a health claim are illegal in Canada however there is no legislation that regulates the sale and use of e-cigarettes that do not contain nicotine or make health claims; and

WHEREAS e-cigarettes could have potential as a cessation aid, there is limited data on their overall effectiveness to do so. Health Canada and the World Health Organization advise against the use of e-cigarettes, due to uncertainty around their safety, quality, and efficacy as a smoking cessation aid; and

WHEREAS e-cigarettes may undermine current tobacco control efforts by re-normalizing smoking behaviour and becoming a gateway to cigarette smoking by youth; and

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Sudbury & District Board of Health support the efforts of alPHa, Ontario Boards of Health and other public health agencies and provincial organizations and strongly recommend implementation of federal regulations on the manufacturing and quality of e-cigarettes, the promotion, display and sale of e-cigarettes to minors, and the use of e-cigarettes in workplaces and public places; and

FURTHER THAT the Sudbury & District Board of Health recommend prohibiting the use of e-cigarettes on school property; and

FURTHER THAT this motion be forwarded to Health Canada, the Honourable Rona Ambrose, MP, local MPs, alPHa and Ontario Boards of Health.

This item was last modified on June 12, 2015