Public Health Sudbury & Districts’ COVID-19 vaccination rollout efforts on track heading into Phase 2

As Public Health Sudbury & Districts nears the end of Phase 1 of the COVID-19 vaccine rollout, its sights are set on Phase 2 to get vaccines into even more arms efficiently and safely. Thanks to extensive planning, coordinated efforts with key community partners, and based on anticipated vaccine allocations, Public Health’s vaccination efforts are on track heading into Phase 2.

“In the early stages of Phase 2, for example, we will be offering vaccines to older adults between the ages of 75 to 79 as well as individuals who have certain health conditions and individuals who live in high-risk settings. In the coming days, we will also transition from our current local booking system to the provincial vaccine appointment system. Our local system allows us more flexibility, so we want to make sure the provincial tool meets our needs before we switch over,” said Dr. Penny Sutcliffe, Medical Officer of Health with Public Health Sudbury & Districts. “Clinics are scheduled for next week and the details to book appointments for those eligible will be communicated broadly in the coming days.”

To date, the number of vaccine doses administered by Public Health Sudbury & Districts is aligned with the province. As a proportion of the population, Public Health has immunized just over 12% of its population. The comparable figure is 11.5% for the province. The provincial allocation plan is to provide public health units with similar numbers of doses based on the population. As of Monday, March 22, a total of 23 210 doses of COVID-19 vaccine were administered locally: 21 388 people received their first dose, and 1 822 people have been fully vaccinated.

Public Health thanks everyone for their patience as the Phase 2 clinics and booking system details are finalized and communicated. Only those currently eligible for vaccination should call the appointment booking line to avoid overwhelming the lines. Call volumes are high and Public Health is focused on ensuring eligible individuals can access an appointment.

The Ontario Ministry of Health recently published the Guidance for Prioritization of Phase 2 Populations for COVID-19 Vaccination, which outlines the prioritization of groups to receive the vaccine under Phase 2 of the provincial rollout.

Those who are considered Primary Priority groups in Phase 2 (based on the Ontario Government’s criteria for prioritization):

  • Older adults (60 to 79): starting with those aged 75 to 79 and decreasing in 5-year age increments, beginning next week and through the months of April to June.
  • People with health conditions and certain caregivers: starting with those at Highest Risk, then those at High Risk, followed by people who are At Risk due to health conditions (vaccination timing—April to June).
  • Residents, essential caregivers, and staff of High-Risk Congregate Living Settings (vaccination timing—April to May).
  • Those living in Hot Spot Communities, beginning with older adults and decreasing in age (vaccination timing—April to May).

Those who are considered Secondary Priority groups in Phase 2 (based on the Ontario Government’s criteria for prioritization):

  • Remaining individuals with at-risk health conditions.
  • Essential workers who cannot work from home, beginning with those in the First Group, followed by those in the Second Group (vaccination timing—June).

To date, eligible recipients of the COVID-19 vaccine across Public Health’s service area have included people aged 80 and older (born in 1941 and earlier) as well as to health care workers, those receiving chronic home care services, Indigenous adults (First Nations, Métis, Inuit) and First Nation communities, as well as staff, residents, and essential caregivers of long-term care homes, retirement homes, congregate care settings for seniors, and Elder care homes. Anyone in these groups who does not yet have an appointment is encouraged to follow the instructions below:

  • Adults born in 1941 or earlier, or adults who receive chronic home care services, who have not yet been vaccinated, can now call and book COVID-19 vaccination appointments without pre-registering. To book an appointment, please call 705.674.2299 (toll-free 1.800.708.2505). The call centre is open from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. seven days a week.
  • All health care workers are encouraged to pre-register for their vaccination appointment with Public Health Sudbury & Districts if they have not already booked an appointment:
  • Health care workers classified as highest priority, very high priority, and high priority are eligible for appointments this week. Moderate priority health care workers will be eligible next week, but should pre-register this week.

The vaccination efforts are aligned with the Province’s phased vaccination approach as well as the Ministry of Health’s guidance on Health Care Worker Prioritization (PDF, 485 KB).

Public Health Sudbury & Districts COVID-19 Vaccination Program Playbook (PDF, 4 MB) provides details about the local vaccination plans. For a visual summary of the three phases of Public Health’s vaccination program, view the At-a-Glance plan.

For more information or if you have questions about the COVID-19 vaccine, please visit or call Public Health Sudbury & Districts at 705.522.9200 (toll-free 1.866.522.9200).

This item was last modified on March 23, 2021