Public Health Sudbury & Districts moving to Red–Control level of the COVID-19 Response Framework

On Friday, March 5, the Government of Ontario announced that Public Health Sudbury & Districts will be moving to the Red–Control level of the COVID-19 Response Framework as of Monday, March 8, 2021, at 12:01 a.m. This news comes in response to an unprecedented surge of local cases of COVID-19. Public Health is urgently asking everyone to take immediate action to stop the spread of the virus.

“Public Health Sudbury & Districts sounded the alarm earlier this week and so the announced shift to the Red-Control level is not surprising. What is surprising though is how rapidly the cases are continuing to climb. The situation is very dynamic and we are assessing in real-time to figure out if any additional protective measures are needed,” said Dr. Penny Sutcliffe, Medical Officer of Health with Public Health Sudbury & Districts. “We are seeing growing numbers of the more transmissible virus, called COVID-19 VOCs or variants of concern. There is ample evidence of community spread within the City of Greater Sudbury in particular. This means that our thresholds for individual and community action need to be much lower. The Public Health capacity to prevent further spread by following all cases and contacts is stretched like never before in the pandemic. So likewise, I am calling on all residents to step up and do their part like never before. To be clear: if you have even one symptom of COVID-19, stay home and arrange for testing. Tell your family members also to stay home and isolate until you have your test results back. Everyone, regardless of symptoms, is asked to only go out for essential reasons and to work remotely where possible. We will share more about the Red-Control level measures in the coming days but please know that I am assessing if any additional protections need to be put in place,” added Dr. Sutcliffe.

With almost a year since the first reported case of COVID-19 in area, Public Health is reminding everyone to be vigilant and follow public health measures. Wear your mask, practise physical distancing, wash your hands, limit travel, and now that the area is in the Red-Control level, only go out for essential reasons and work remotely if possible. All of these measures are effective and they will work against the variants of concern (VOC) if they are carefully followed.

“It is on all of us, especially now, to look for ways to limit the spread of COVID-19 and the VOCs. This means taking a serious look at our interactions with others and doing face-to-face only if essential and ensuring even this is only done with distancing and masking. Now is not the time to figure out how to get around the rules. Now is the time to find ways to stick to and even go beyond the protective rules,” said Dr. Sutcliffe.

Public Health Sudbury & Districts was previously in the Orange–Restrict level of the COVID-19 Response Framework but was moved to the Red–Control level by the Government of Ontario based on a number of factors. These factors include number of cases, variants of concern, active outbreaks, and health system capacity.

Additional measures in effect include gathering limits, further restrictions to sports and recreation facilities, capacity limits in retail stores, and closures to cinema and performing arts centres. Regardless of the Framework level, it is critical to maintain public health measures to slow or limit the spread of COVID-19. Further details about the provincial response framework can be found at COVID-19 response framework: keeping Ontario safe and open (Government of Ontario). Or visit Ontario’s COVID-19 website (Government of Ontario) for more information.

For more information or if you have questions, please visit or call Public Health Sudbury & Districts at 705.522.9200 (toll-free 1.866.522.9200).

This item was last modified on May 6, 2024