External sources for health data
This page contains links to population health status information produced by external agencies such as Statistics Canada, the Canadian Institute for Health Information, and Public Health Ontario. Information is available for populations within our service area, depending on the source. These are some examples only, and additional information is available within each source.
Statistics Canada
Census Profiles
Every 5 years, Statistics Canada collects data for the Canadian Census for provinces and territories, census metropolitan areas, communities, and census tracts (areas that have a smaller population). Data collected includes:
- age characteristics
- citizenship and immigration status
- education level
- ethnicity
- family characteristics
- household and dwelling characteristics
The Daily
The Daily hosts various articles highlighting research surrounding multiple topics (for example, aging, health, housing, language, environment, etc.). Examples of products include:
- 2SLGBTQ+ Mental Health
- Health care access and experiences among Indigenous peoples
- Recent immigrants report greater difficulty making ends meet
Public Health Ontario Snapshots
Public Health Ontario’s map-based dashboards show trends for key public health indicators by public health unit area (PHU) and Ontario overall. Dashboards include topics such as:
- chronic diseases
- injuries
- health behaviours
- health equity
- mortality and overall health
- reproductive and child health
- substance use
Government Of Canada Health Data
The Government of Canada produces data tools, infographics, charts and blogs about health data in Canada. The information can be filtered to different population groups and health topics. Examples of products include:
- health of people in Canada dashboard
- supervised consumption sites
- chronic disease surveillance
Canadian Institute for Health Information
The Canadian Institute for Health Information provides information and data reports on specific health topics and populations including reports, data tables, and other key resources. Topics include:
- rural health
- health equity and population health
- mental health and substance use
This item was last modified on January 3, 2025