Older adults and cannabis

Aging can change how your body processes and reacts to drugs and substances. As you age your body may slow down the rate that you process cannabinoids like THC and CBD1,2.

Is it safe for older adults to use cannabis?1,2

Along with aging, other health conditions and changes can put you at a higher risk for cannabis-related complications.

Ways to reduce your risks

If you are using cannabis or considering using cannabis:

  1. Health Canada. (2022, July). Health effects of cannabis on adults over 55. https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/drugs-medication/cannabis/health-effects/effects/adults-55-older.html
  2. Ottawa Public Health. (2023, December 5). Cannabis information for older adults. https://www.ottawapublichealth.ca/en/public-health-topics/cannabis-information-for-older-adults.aspx

This item was last modified on September 10, 2024