Be cannabis wise: Reduce your risks

How can I use cannabis safely?

Remember that every form of cannabis use poses risks to your health. The only way to completely avoid these risks is by choosing not to use cannabis. If you decide to use cannabis, consider following Canada’s Lower-Risk Cannabis Use Guidelines (PDF) to lower risks to your health1,2:

  1. The most effective way to avoid the risks of cannabis use are to avoid using cannabis.
  2. Delay cannabis use past adolescence to reduce the likelihood or severity of health risks.
  3. Identify and choose cannabis products with lower THC content.
  4. Avoid using synthetic cannabinoids such as K2 and Spice.
  5. Avoid smoking burnt cannabis (ie., joints, bongs, pipes)—choose safer methods of inhalation, such as vaping, or using other forms of cannabis, like edibles.
  6. If you smoke cannabis, avoid harmful smoking practices like deep inhalation and breath-holding.
  7. Avoid frequent use.
  8. Don’t use cannabis and drive or operate machinery.
  9. Avoid cannabis use altogether if you are at risk for mental illness or are pregnant or are planning to become pregnant.
  10.  Avoid combining the above risks.

Lower-Risk Cannabis Use Guidelines for Psychosis (LRCUG-PSYCH)

In 2023, the Lower-Risk Cannabis Use Guidelines for Psychosis (LRCUG-PSYCH) (Laboratoire de Recherche Didier Jutras-Aswad) were released. This document provides evidence-based background information about psychosis and mental health risk factors along with recommendations surrounding health promotion and psychosis-related prevention.

There are many strategies that can be used to reduce the risk of cannabis-related harms associated with psychosis, however, the only way to completely eliminate these harms is by abstaining from all cannabis use. Sometimes abstinence is not the right fit, whether it is undesirable or unattainable, the strategies listed in the LRCUG-PSYCH may be helpful.

More resources and information:

  1. Fischer, B., Russell, C., Sabioni, P., van den Brink, W., Le Foll, B., Hall, W., Rehm, J. & Room, R. (2017). Lower-Risk Cannabis Use Guidelines (LRCUG): An evidence-based update. American Journal of Public Health, 107(8). DOI: 10.2105/AJPH.2017.303818.
  2. Health Canada. (2020, January 11). Canada’s lower-risk cannabis use guidelines.

This item was last modified on September 10, 2024